The 22566VIC Certificate I in Work Education supports secondary school students with permanent cognitive and/or intellectual disabilities to explore work options and access pathways to further specific vocational education and training.

The course supports learners to improve their employability and work readiness.

Your training will focus on: 

  • following and applying OHS / WHS and emergency procedures in specific industries
  • recognising and following safety signs, symbols and notices
  • work collaboratively with other class/group members and work colleagues
  • identifying strategies to improve personal management skills and ways in which barriers can be overcome
  • identifying own self-development needs and strategies to enhance independence
  • self-assessing own performance as part of practical placement
  • implement strategies to manage oneself in the workplace

Graduates will have developed skills in: 

  • work with a support person to develop and implement a personal vocational plan to support vocational goals
  • access information and resources to support the achievement of vocational goals
  • apply strategies to support workplace participation
  • use technology relevant to the workplace

AST auspices this qualification to secondary schools so their teachers can deliver to secondary school students as part of their VET studies.

Assessment may consist of:

  • Practical demonstration including observation
  • Written answers to questions
  • Scenario-based assessments

All students will engage in a language, literacy, numeracy and digital literacy (LLND) activity to evaluate potential support requirements.

Entry to the Certificate I in Work Education is intended for post compulsory school age learners with evidence of permanent cognitive and / or intellectual disability.

In exceptional circumstances, compulsory school age learners with evidence of permanent cognitive and / or intellectual disability may be enrolled in the qualification, provided that AST can establish:

  • the learner’s secondary school is unable to meet the learner’s needs


  • the learner has a level of behavioural maturity that would allow them to develop the communication and interpersonal skills expected in the workplace.

The 22566VIC Certificate I in Work Education consists of 10 units:

  • Core – 7 units
  • Electives – 3 units

Core units include:

VU23028 Develop and apply an individual vocational plan with support
VU23029 Develop personal management skills for work
VU23030 Participate in vocational activities
VU23031 Participate in practical placement with support
MSMWHS100 Follow WHS procedures
VU22787 Prepare for employment
VU23032 Develop workplace communication skills


This qualification is offered to secondary schools on a fee-for-service basis, where a fee is charged for each individual student’s enrolment.

Please contact us for the current year’s auspicing fees.

I never had any problems communication with my trainer and they were always helpful and supportive! Thank you for believing in me but most importantly helping me believe in myself!

Course participant Crystall

I have recently completed my Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care through AST under the guidance of Carley who has been absolutely incredible as a trainer. The online studies made it fit into my busy life schedule, anywhere. I would highly recommend AST to anyone looking to get into the Early Childhood Education field.

Course participant Rebecca

Thoroughly enjoyed completing my cert 3 and 4 in disability with AST, and am now working in a very rewarding career.

Course Participant Joanne

I would highly recommend AST and if I decide to do more study I will definitely be using AST.

Course Participant Heidi
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